Fundamental Evaluation and Analysis
Fundamental analysis involves evaluating all the factors that affect an investment’s performance. For a stock, it would mean looking at all of the company’s financial information, it’s past performance, the communications it is sending out and how it approaches its development of relations with the different groups of people that interact with its business. This would undoubtedly include its prospects and clients.
A Preliminary Evaluation, though not as in-depth as a Comprehensive Evaluation, will nevertheless target every aspect of the business to sufficiently assess the potential for risk, survival and growth of the business.
It's the know how of where to look, what to note, to measure and evaluate the corporations efficacy, competence, potential and our evaluations are simple, powerful; telling us exactly what's happening within an organisation.
Acquisition Appraisal
Forming part of the due diligence of an acquisition target, with most of the information being gathered through the following means:
Interviews with the acquisition targets to gauge strategy, intentions, performance and characteristics.
Interviews with competitors to assess their views of the company’s strengths and weaknesses.
Interviews with customers of the acquisition target to gauge the reputation, performance and brand values.
Published information such as annual reports and industry reports
Suppliers and distributors to the acquisition target for any interesting perspectives in terms of the performance and attributes of the acquisition target.
Business Intelligence
Business intelligence is internal intelligence which includes data not visible, discernible by direct observation and will include data relating to sales, production, finance, personnel, communications, performance and all the inter-relations between the various departments, how it relates to and affects production.
Internal Intelligence is important as much as external intelligence and yet it is surprising how much companies operate, without self awareness, aside from the need to be aware of developments outside its operations and direct influence.
The areas of business intelligence we cover include the following;
Performance Analysis
The point of these aspects of business intelligence services is to reach deep into the organisation to understand how every action, or inaction, impacts the organisation as a whole and therefore its ability to be effective in the commercial environment and in markets.
The Evaluation of Data
Data Collection and Investigations
There is expertise involved in the collection of data that is not disruptive to members of an organisation and yet encouraging for members to originate data.
The key is data that leads to a handling of non-optimum and non-ideal situations.
Business Analysis
Knowing what to do right now, what is the priority program? Which areas need attention the most? Which area of the organisations holds the most potential and thus the greatest performance leverage? Where should investments within the organisation be applied?
These are all questions CEOs may ask and the answer come from a complete and standard evaluation of the business, carrying out an inspection of performances, processes, based on a standard organisational structure (some organisations, no matter how large, may still not address every element of a standard organisation).
Our analysis is fast, thorough and effective in locating the exact areas needing address, calculating the next action to take, resolving depressed performance and conducive to the development of multiple, co-ordinated strategic programs to generate performance and expansion. We also cover the following key areas;
Structure and Process Analysis, including Identification and classification of organisational discrepancies
Performance Analysis
With the data, management is able to fully understand and assess its current condition, circumstances to then take the effective action to resolve, re-position and re-boot its operations but with better direction, clarity and control. The result will be the achievement of set targets and the ability to monitor itself in accordance with it’s progress towards target attainment.
Corporate Marketing Assessment
Client needs assessment, customer satisfaction, corporate positioning and segmentation studies are based on two key sources of information –
Potential customers.
For the PE investor we are advising on the the decision-making processes, purchasing preferences, buying methods, requirements from a supplier and views on suppliers.
There are three types of projects we undertake in Corporate Market Assessments; CRM, Corporate Positioning and Segmentation.
CRM Assessment
Surveys for opinions, thoughts, facts; the best way is conversation.
Micro research is detailed, thorough and requires the most direct contact with the source.
But we are not working to make the customer fit with the product, rather we are trying to understand the customers in each market; their needs, their wants, the experience they are looking for, the problems they are trying to solve; undoubtedly we are looking for what matters and what doesn’t.
In trying to understand their last experiences, we are looking for opportunities to make it better in order to feed back to research and development for future products that will be competitive and profitable.
This research exercise alone will gave a massive impact on relations with clients; it can even drive new customers in as they generate interest and curiosity over to products and services that are more desirable or suitable to them.
For the PE investor, this is the start of competitive advantage and an opportunity to build a product, service that has more appeal to existing clients and existing markets.
Corporate Positioning
The essence of a brand, including brand values, are developed in relation to the target market; the market sector that would appreciate such values and qualities. Strategies devised from such assessments are considered with due care, with an eye for economics, the awareness of time and the long term view of the company, competition and the consumer.
Using forward-thinking approaches, marketing and resources are invested to associate the company correctly with its target market, through a clear and distinctive message, amidst quality delivery and performance, generating increased customer loyalty, sales revenue, prices and ultimately profitability.
Segmentation, like branding, is a means of differentiating oneself from the competition, in order to increase profitability. This a section we take seriously in order to help the company to develop its own, untouchable route towards profitability.
Intelligence For International Markets
The systematic gathering, analysis and presenting of market intelligence has taken place in Western markets for around 4 decades. Currently, it is in the developing markets such as China, India, Russia, South Africa and Brazil who are seeing repeated double-digit growth rates year-on-year, that demand for MI is increasing. Most of this growth, it should be started, is driven by Western clients both inside and outside their home countries. Economic development is establishing an widening presence of sophisticated businesses, consistently demanding better opportunities to access the right clients without the cut throat business model approach. These are not deprived markets but that of ever increasing wealth and reach to external markets, generating unlimited opportunities and resources.