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Systematic Expansion


Growth management is not a matter of ratios; the greater the input the greater the output; growth is dependent upon the effective implementation and management of systems; as it is without systems in place do the organisational flaws appear; especially where excessive traffic is flowed through existing channels of an organisation. 


It is the application of exact methods and processes that establish exact routes to expansion, incorporating the individual elements of that business, in that location and other idiosyncratic elements that make up the particular identity of that business. With the policies and procedures formulated, the organisation will possess greater expansion potential, a visualization of it's growth and the means to grow faster. 


Investors and business owners are seeking the goal of becoming influential in their market, to become more widely accepted, more profitable and more innovative, to continue with generating impact and power.; are goals that must be common across the company and staff must participate in aligning all within their spheres towards expansion.  


An organisation will change, adapt, as its immediate challenges change; it will take advantage of its changing positions as money flows in and the market gains increasing awareness. Xecology knows how to identify these stages of expansion and the different set of rules applicable at each stage. We’ll create the potential to expand, assist and ensure that what we establish will endure so that expansion potential persists.  



Phases of Expansion


  • 1st Phase Delivery, Experience

  • 2nd Phase Correction

  • 3rd Phase Establishment

  • 4th Phase Production

  • 5th Phase Innovation



Departmental Programming


We program organisations to bring them up to new levels of order, organisation and efficacy.


These are the following programs we author;


Structure for organisation

The basic formation of organised staff within a group must be thought out, tested and corrected to create a flowing system that can operate at speed and magnitude.


Process Development

Knowing all the various functions, all the terminals involved and the product being delivered; we can ensure that a system of processes exist that will satisfy all elements of organised delivery at high volume, high quality but will also drive the company forward in terms of development, innovation and increased viability.



You can’t deliver products that cost too much to produce; the incentive to produce must be there and all parties involved must seek to continuously deliver in a manner that is most effective for all parties, including the customer. We’re not just measuring yield here but seeing efficiency in all its forms, on all its levels; we’re looking for the greatest impact we can make for the least use of resources to ensure the operation is sustainable, feasible, viable and of prime interest.



Staff must be experts in their operations and zones of responsibility. Staff must also be elastic and be able to work as teams and according to the needs of the business and more precisely, to the exact and momentous needs of the client. Developing staff competence costs the business greatly but to develop costs the business even more.




Everyone follows the leader until the leader is longer able to lead. It’s not just the staff but the public too; they will choose the product where it’s leader inspires and motivates them, where they feel they believe in the same points and issues, such as that relating to the environment. The relationship with the public and staff both run deep. Knowing how to lead, how to develop leadership, understanding what it isn’t and what it is, how to use it to expand and drive the business, how to protect leadership and how to re-position it in times of danger. Leadership is intricately involved and yet exterior from the business enough to demonstrate to its followers, the direction of the business, its staff and society. The leader is a pragmatic visionary, knowledgeable on the society, the product and operations.


Production Management


We’re managing production for the following purposes;


  • To hit targets

  • To generate Word of Mouth demand,

  • fulfil product delivery obligations

  • Perform high a level of organisation

  • Timely arrival and processing to ensure


The end result from production management is sufficient production in the shortest time to the company achieves viability that allows expansion.


  • Statistics; See where there is growth pulling the company forward, where there is demand for support and where the organisation is being held back.


  • Rewards and Penalties, recognise the key players; incentivise them to validate their impulse to excel and perform for the organisation.


  • Reports, Analysis and Planning. Management must be given the full picture of the organisation without it being there to observe every movement. Key analysis techniques following receipt if all the correct stats and using this to plan operations ahead is a vital element of production management which gives the opportunity to take advantage of production positions and to handle production emergencies as they occur.




The following are the areas we address in the growth drive of businesses:


  • Generation of momentum

  • Recognition of patterns

  • Switching Gears, Resolutions





Performance Management involves truly that expressed in its title; the management of performance so that its sustainable, calculated, co-ordinated and contributing towards the expansion of the organisation.


Where Xecology thrives is not just on the matter of observation, reporting, analysis, evaluation, production, compliance and re-targeting but the actual hands on, interactive approach to maintain steady increases in production that’s organised and orderly.


The high production levels obtained and sustained are achieved in a manner that adds to;


  • Increased Morale

  • Customer / client satisfaction

  • Organisational motivation

  • Potential capacity to increase sales with confidence and assurance in delivery.



Support Network and Policies


Xecology formulates Programs that establishes systems and networks for the long term whereby increased production is not feared for the potential chaos but welcomed by staff who understand how it will happen, including its generation, processing and delivery.


These would include the he intra organisational networks of the following that are unique , complexed but highly effective and valuable to the establishment and expansion of the whole organisation; 


  • Organisation Officers

  • Establishment Officers

  • Executive Coaching and Education



Recognition of Growth Potential 


Where organisations have failed is in the blind demands for greater production, adding strains to the staff, generating failings in performance, including delivery quality to them be faced with declining production.


Increased production is a key element in the success of an organisation but it must be systematic, organised and sustainable; it will undoubtedly involve permanent presence and interaction with establishment and organisation elements.

Business management


Xecology manifests omnipresence; the ability to be anywhere and everywhere through it's Virtual Evaluations. 


These Virtual Evaluations by Xecology assess 50 source points of data, targeting all departments and divisions, providing Xecology with an exterior view of the organisation, as well as an accurate determination of what is occurring in the business, from a wide, objective view. The report is relayed back to senior executives who obtain a new view of the business. Xecology will then formulate the micro and macro strategies and tactics to establish what executives of the business must do next.  


The trouble for executives in any business is being immersed into the intricacies of managing people, processes, customers, clients, logistics. The aim is to assist the business in transcending beyond those existing conditions, continuing it's growth and increasing strategic market advantages. 

Clear Circular Lamps; the omnipresence of light in a space..

Xecology's system for evaluations allow an off-site analysis, evaluation and the formulation of planning. It is able to establish an Omnipresence; an always there experience for executives who are able to eliminate confusion from action; management groups are focused, co-ordinated and empowered by a reliable understanding of their own organisation. The confusions will weaken the executive structure.


Xecology is a strategic watch tower providing it's consulting services remotely or on-site, at Board of Director level.  

management by data

By data, means direct observation and statistics. 


Our analytical ability and judgement helps us to spot trends, discover underlying situations that are overlooked and formulate strategies to precede mini programs that directly target the underperformance of departments, sectors. 


We work with executives to re-position, re-orient, re-possess control and cause a resurgence in production. 

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