Public Relations Management
Xecology Public Relations Management program is an application of PR concepts and strategies, to resolve the complexities between market audiences and businesses, for real, understandings and appreciation; to liberate the opportunity for increased interactions, transactions and profitability.
The areas of PR we cover;
PR research and intelligence.
PR Programs
PR releases
Black PR management
Our PR know-how, skilll and practice is built on two things;
1. Understanding the behaviour and nature of organisations and people.
2. The establishment and communication of truths.
The end goal is positive public relations that generates short term, long term, survival, prosperity, security, abundance, for organisations and communities.
The commercial world moves on the forces held within human relationships affecting the success and survival of trade, nations and organisations. PR is not a garden party exercise but real world participation and the assurance that understanding is delivered, as a universal platform for better human interaction.
Internal Relations Management
Your internal relations are just as vital as external relations; an organisation without effective internal relations management will implode through staff turnover, distractions, gossip, rumour, factions, cliques, politics and ill intent; not to mention that all this negativity will impact productivity and quality, directly affecting client and eventually external relations.
Corporations have made headline news and the law has intervened on extreme cases that were addressed through the passing and implementation of laws protecting workers rights. However, the program of internal relations includes not only the worker but management and leaders; presenting a multi faceted scenario, requiring the expertise to protect and balance the interest of all, to ensure the best for the organisations development and expansion.
Community Relations
The concept of Community relations are often misunderstood. Corporations mistakenly believe that it is a tool to pacify the public into thinking that the corporation is in fact some big friendly giant that likes to sponsor garden parties, bake cakes and play golf.
It is confusing for someone doing research on the company using social media to find their profile but very little in respect to what they actually are. Truth is truth, fact, awareness and understanding; diversion from this is manipulation and the public spot it straight away, in its entirety, as well as seeing the complexed, convoluted methods used.
So how do you create positive community relations? You don’t tell them what you think they want to see or hear; but allow them to tell you what they need and want. Every community has it’s needs and wants, they are made up of individuals, families, groups, the vulnerable, the suffering, those at risk and often, those with incredible potential. But first be concerned with yourself, as the executive of the corporation and the corporation itself; the first step into community relations is caring about what goes on and in fact starts with caring about what goes on with the staff and public entering or associating with your corporation.
Organisational Responsibility
Social corporate responsibility is the expanded awareness of organisations, introduced and influenced by an increasingly concerned and aware public that has been educated and informed of the impact corporations and consumers have created in the natural, social and global environments. Whether it would be for personal based hedonism or corporate operations, adverse impact has resulted, consumers and corporations have profited, benefitted without having paid or been accountable for the exact total costs of their pursuits. CSR is a crusade and now a standard organisational function to balance out corporate pursuit with redemption for social and environmental elements.
The organisation is responsible for the adverse affect that it creates in the pursuit of expanded business activity and profits.
How does an organisation analyse its own impact, without paying heed to social or media based commentary; ie: a responsibility evaluation based on observation, fact; an assessment based on actual liabilities the organisation has imposed on its environment. An organisation makes a fatal mistake in ignoring, failing to identify the see liabilities, which are in actual fact, opportunities to lead the organisation into generating positive influence through its purpose, its products, services and leaving a zero negative impact in its trail.
Wider Spheres of Responsibility
As an organisation reaches greater levels of power and energy, greater levels of cash reserves and good will; to that degree it must consider where it is reaching publics, new geographical zones it is expanding too; it must not be reserved in assessing where it can generate positive impact beyond neutralising liabilities.
The potential to create positive impact is also the potential to exchange assistance and support within societies of new geographic zones, with active participation and communication. There is much benefit available to an organisation that can successfully step into an area and assist that community with what it needs so it survives better. Many have flourished and benefitted from communities who are only too happy to payback when they’ve received support and assistance in their own projects.
An organisation can generate many enemies during the course of expansion; time, energy and attention spent in the pursuit of friendships and allies pays dividends in the form of support and approvals in the future.
Investing in futures
The programs we write for organisations to address matters of serving the communities and zones with which it operates is to address not only the present time problems but also that of the future. Why communities will come forth with their support with willingness is because they appreciate the effort and a fore thought drawn to formulate a program that addresses the future survival of that group or community. A real, effective and long lasting solution will always include the future and certainly gains the approval and appreciation of groups and other organisations that are concerned with and striving for prosperity now but are interested in the investment of current resources to leverage time and establish greater survival, with greater ease and assurance. Our programs for public relations are genuine, realistic, transparent and effective in establishing required between communities and corporations.
What success should a company demonstrate and How
Xecology incorporates marketing, sales, production and communications to bring past successes to the attention of its future, potential and existing clients.
This is a section of the organisation that connects itself, its clients and its future prospects together.
Successes should never be ignored through complacency; the competitive market and expectations of clients, customers, demand that an organisation remind them who the company are, what they represent, what they do and their ability to deliver what they promise. Industries are unfortunately accommodating those that are incompetent; an organisation must persistently, consistently express its value 360 degrees to all parties, across all its networks.